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Our technology experts solve business challenges through the integration of technology—as discrete services and/or comprehensive solutions.  We understand that the technology needs to help optimize your business by creating a simpler more streamlined process.

  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Network Infrastructure
  • System Integration
  • Security Solutions
  • Data Warehousing
  • Disaster Recovery/Business Continuality

Enterprise Architecture - Neu specializes in transforming Enterprise Architecture to complement business requirements and priorities, and deliver technology solutions consistently and effectively.  We provide a roadmap to support the change process while aligning the business and achieving stakeholder agreement. The result is dramatic improvements in collaboration, generating significant value for any business and creating competitive advantage.

Network Infrastructure - Your network infrastructure should support your organization’s business strategy; Neu will help you manage this complex relationship in several ways. We can review all of your networking and telecommunications services such as network design, internetworking strategy, architecture, sourcing, voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP), assessments, implementations and technical support.

Additionally, we have the expertise and partners to configure both out-of-the-box and custom technology solutions.

System Integration - Synergy within and organization as well as with its partners requires a fluidity of knowledge and communication.  This flow travels across geographic boarders as well as technology systems requiring system integration between many parties.  NeuCG is experienced in handling integration between dozens on parties using platforms that range from legacy to cutting-edge proprietary.  All while maintaining the highest level of security requirements.

Security Solutions - Neu understands the tremendous value of information as well as the liability it has become. With the value of information becoming increasingly important protecting this information requires greater due diligence. 

We review infrastructures, applications, and storage policies; aligning security with business needs using the SOX 404 framework. Data passed between business partners, who may be on two separate continents, can be a source of security attacks and threats.  We look to assess both your BPO vendors security policies to make suggestions of strengthening the system from unauthorized use.

Data Warehousing - Successful data mining and warehousing requires much more than investment in technology—it also involves putting the processes and resources in place to manage all aspects of the data lifecycle. Thus, all three parts have a critical role to play in how data is created, stored, moved, analyzed and finally retired. Leading businesses are beginning to understand the importance of data mining and warehousing, and its vitality in ensuring that the data needed for organizational decision making and reporting is available, accurate, and secure.

Clients choose Neu to manage their BPO vendor reporting and data warehousing because it just makes better sense.  Organizations are too often having difficulties finding IT resources to dedicate to non-critical or external projects.  Neu has the infrastructure and reporting expertise needed to both manage the data and reporting requirements and, more importantly, derive critical and accurate information with which to make informed decisions.

Effective data mining and warehousing enables better management decisions, reduces risks and enhances productivity and operational efficiency.

Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity - Business has become increasingly dependent on data. The data has become one of the most important assets owned by a business. Eventually, every business will face some type of unforeseen event that will have an impact on this critical asset.  For businesses to manage this event, preparedness is crucial.

Developing a disaster recovery plan requires an understanding of the underlying business supported by information technology as well as the business requirements. How much data loss is allowed and the time required for recovery are important elements to the disaster recovery plan.  In other words, how critical is each system to the overall business operations?


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